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Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Life & Times

Going through all my previous posts I am suddenly taken aback with how much I thought I knew at my tender years. And now about to turn 28 years old in December, I realize how some concepts I got right and how wrong I was about others.

Life is not as simple and as straightforward as it is depicted in movies or rather as I have painted it. They say life is the school of hard knocks and fleeting good moments. And boy are they right. The trick is to cherish the good, so that when the bad ones come you can look to the future when the situations will have possibly changed.

This post comes as something I have never outright mentioned before in my blog - and that is the power of prayer and believing in it whole heartedly.

They also say - You have to undergo many transformative situations just to become the person you were destined to be.

Well - 

As I've mentioned before - Life hasn't been rosey - ever since 2009. It's been one bad thing after the next. But things came blows after I had achieved a milestone in my life - which was starting my communications company. I suddenly found myself sick, like extremely sick. 
Not aware that I had anemia, I suddenly found myself fighting for my life.

My dear mother and aunt fought day and night just to keep me alive. I was suddenly bed ridden for 6 months straight. But thanks to the power of God. Slowly I began to get better.

In all honesty, modern medicine was not enough in my situation - strong prayer was the thing that broke the camels back. The doctors I attended still cannot fathom how I managed to pull through. 

I have come to realize that nowadays some people believe in miracles and others, not so much. The mere fact that I am alive is a miracle in my regard.

People tend to believe miracles have to be these big grand gestures - and of course, some may come in the form of something so big it beckons you to sit and take notice. Whilst others are just the random encounters of life. 

The love of a parent is honestly a miracle, achieving your daily goals like finishing a deadline or passing a subject your struggling with in school is a miracle. The fact that you are still walking towards your true life's purpose is a miracle.

The mere fact that you woke up this morning, you survived the atrocities of this world. You are still even given a chance to achieve all your hearts desires - these are all miracles

And trust me - this is not a post about conversion a.k.a trying to change you from what you believe in. It's simply rooted in the belief I have that we are all connected. And it doesn't really matter what you personally believe in. 

This post is just to encourage all of you readers to believe more in God or rather the great spiritual force governing all our lives. 

The Life and Times can be an amazing thing if only you just change your perspective 

Till next time

Philasande Mtembu

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