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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

TEN | 10

TEN | 10

- In a world filled with an endless supply of chaos, being an authentic version of yourself means everything. Even when all odds are against you, stay the course. 

- Effort yields results. In order to gain any kind of recognition or praise, you need to work on your craft. That means, putting in the amount of work the task requires to yield the kind of gain you want.

- Before entering into a new relationship, always do some form of self-introspection. Assess how much baggage both of you have and weigh it against the feelings you have for one another. If the feelings are more than the latter, then purse it without reservations.

- Embrace change and growth. 

- The urban tribe is overrated : Like minded peers are great for rides to the airport or going to parties with, but huddling with people of the same age and caliber as yourself, limits the amount of knowledge you accumulate. So as difficult as it may sound, try and find new connections outside of your normal circle, this will contribute towards your mental and spiritual growth. 

- Never stay where you're not wanted, happy or where you feel your spirt is being compromised. 

- Smile more often than you cry or get angry. This brings positive energies into your heart and space.

- Never take yourself to seriously. It's awesome to laugh and embrace your own mistakes. And as they say, we are all imperfect creatures in search of perfection.

- Invest a lot of your time in your spirit, cause honestly that is where a lot of battles are either won or lost.

- Be optimistic at all times.

Till Next Time

Philasande Mtembu

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