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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Essence of Beauty

Sometimes we never take into account how truly beautiful we are. We are constantly shown images of people who are "supposedly" superior to us and this makes us feel morbidly inferior to an extent that we often doubt everything about ourselves.

That needs to change through the understanding of inner beauty.

What is inner beauty?

Inner beauty is defined as the pure essence of goodness that resonates from a person's spirit. It is the flow of pure spiritual energy that flows from each and every being experiencing the journey of life.

I recently found myself thinking a lot about beauty and what it means to be beautiful. Nowadays beauty  has become synonymous with light skin,the perfect facial features or even abs of steel! More and more people are going under the knife in pursuit of beauty and radiance. Even social media platforms like Instagram continue to encourage/embrace outer beauty as the most important element of the human experience. I mean what is a selfie without a little filter right?'s a true reflection of who you are.

We need to start embracing our true reflections and stop buying into all the hype the media and other platforms have deemed to be socially en-vogue. And as Audrey Hepburn once said :

I've grown up investing more in my inner beauty than the outer, because I feel that has more substance and personally, lasts longer.

My grandmother had a saying, which goes  "Zithande kuze uthandeke" 
Which basically means Love yourself enough and the world will follow suit.

Trust me on this one, you are so much more than just your physical appearance. 

Till Next Time 

Philasande Mtembu 

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