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Friday, July 28, 2017

2017 - The Year of Promise

When the count down began to ring in the new year 2017 - I suddenly found myself very anxious - why? - Maybe because of the fact that I officially turn 29 this year and that's one year away from 30
I always had a certain picture painted in my head for when I reach 30 - the success, the accomplishments, the accolades. But alas I'm still finding myself.

Yes, I've been fortunate to know exactly what I wish to do with my life - and I think what I wish to do is sort of aligned with my purpose in life - but ever since facing the challenges, I came across I kind of lost my driving force 

Pay attention to the word Lost - I use this word illustrate the fact the if something is lost it can always be found.

Life has a way of readjusting your priorities and making sure you become more centered in order to receive exactly what is yours. So a voice deep down inside tells me that everything that happened to me was for a particular purpose.

- Maybe to get me closer to God
- To enhance the vision board for brand Philasande 
- to align my own personal goals with the goals God has created me for

Who knows - all I know is that I am looking forward to getting all these answers.

And another point that has dawned on me - is that with aha moments - just like success. We get there when we get there. A dream deferred is never a dream denied. By the mere fact that you have a single thought it shows you, you have the potential to achieve it.

Bonus point: It doesn't really matter what obstacles you come across - what matters is how quickly you move away from that obstacle and start gliding towards exactly what you wish to achieve. 

So my tip going forward is create a vision board whether mental or literal of all the things you wish to achieve and never sway between those things. Focus on one goal per time and make sure you master that specific craft before moving to the next. Also, meditate/Pray on all those goals and sure as the morning always comes - you'll get what's coming to you.

Forever Kinda Love

Philasande Mtembu

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