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Wednesday, March 9, 2011


From a very young age, we are asked a very important question. What do you want to be when you grow up? Being the typical kids we are at ages  (5-10) Our answers vary from Policeman, Nurse to Even Superman. When we're passing through puberty and adolescence, we are asked the same question again. Now our answers range from Lawyer, Accountant to Doctor. Any career that has a guarentee of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, We instantly jump at. 

We never take into account the amount of work its going to take to realise these dreams. We just assume they will magically fall into place and one day we will wake up living a life just like Sir Richard Branson or Khanyi Dlomo. We also tend to focus on what the group we surround ourselves with is doing and tend to limit our ambitions based on that factor .

  Another hurdle which always challenges us with regards to answering this question, are people who through having been disappointed alot in life want to constantly put others down and not just limit their potential but utterly destroy it. They are people who have a negative prospect on life and who constantly want to infect those with dreams and bigger pictures with the same infectious desease. 

I ll be honest, many people have told me the goals I ve set for myself are unrealistic and impossible to achieve. I ask this?  If the dreams that were dreamt by the world's greatest innovators were unrealistic (as some clearly were), Where would we be right now?

Could we be flying in the air if the Wright Brothers had not had the inspired idea to create flying birds in the sky? Could we be chatting on Social Networks if Mr Bill Gates and his co-conspirators had not had the ingenious idea of creating Microsoft? So many of the worlds greatest creations came from people who were asked the same question as you and I . What do you want to be when you grow up? These people assessed themselves and through perseverance decided to change the world and how it is viewed through their own personal answers to that intial big question.

Ms Oprah Winfrey always says We each have a purpose and the older we get, the more we discover what that purpose is. Maybe your purpose is to cure the sick or count and assure businesses of their financial stability or change the world in a way that best describes you and your Life purpose. 

Never let people define your answer to the question mentioned above. Always do you! and dream bigger than you ever thought possible. 

I leave you with these last words, Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, Its that we are greater than we ever imagined. We ask ourselves who am I to be Beautiful, Talented and Successful, Question is, Who are you not to be. We search the high heavens to find answers and never realise We are the answer. It all starts with you, and you have the power to make all your dreams and aspirations - no matter how big and outrageous they may seem.


Philasande Mtembu

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